Linux Toolbox: Typing Extended Characters

screenshot of Gnome keyboard layout options dialogue
Though I’ve long known of the Windows Alt- and Mac Option-key codes for producing extended characters, I’ve only recently discovered a couple different shortcuts that allow the same thing under Linux.

A discussion at Daily Writing Tips about em-dashes, specifically regarding when to use them, spun in the direction of how to produce em-dash characters.

The immediate and obvious suggestion was to rely on word processors’ automatic character replacement—which generally involves swapping out two minus signs for “—” as-you-type. It was also pointed out, however, that there are specific key sequences you can use within different OSes to produce these characters without benefit of a word processor.


My Linux-based, Multi-platform Photography Workflow

One of the chief struggles for an amateur photography enthusiast, apart from developing your skill as a photographer, is figuring out how best to manage your ever-growing collection1. Importing, naming, securing, processing, and filtering thousands of photos often requires sophisticated planning and a stable workflow.

Impermanence, or What Comes Around, Goes Around

My brother emailed me the other day, prompting me to go off on a tangent about the Buddhist idea of impermanence. He said: “[When living on a boat] you really learn to appreciate the small things. Like grapes. They taste better when you’re on a boat. Because you realize once they’re gone, you don’t get […]