
Storytime: Strawberry Shortcake: Christmas is Here!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these, so let’s have a little refresher.

cd jewel case insertWhen my niece was born, I decided that I wanted to do something original, creative, and personal for her each year for Christmas. Since she was living overseas, and I knew I might only get to see her (and therefore to share a book with her) a few times a year at best, I struck on the idea of doing an audio CD of me reading some of my favorite children’s stories to her. Thus: Storytime.

In 2006, for my third CD, I had a couple realizations—first, that there are only so many kids books I consider “favorites”, and second, that my niece, being a girl, would be more interested in “girl” stories than the “boy” stories I used to read. So, I would have to branch out into unfamiliar, and at times, uncomfortable territory. Case in point, our first track from 2006.

I picked Christmas is Here! (at my wife’s prompting, I’m sure) because it’s a Christmas story, and because girls love Strawberry Shortcake.


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